What we guarantee - Territorial quality mark
In spatial level Thessaly has since 2003 a Regional Plan, which is currently in the process of revision (2016). Meanwhile, a series of national Special Plans (Tourism, Industry, RES etc.), as well as the General Plan of the Country itself, affect the territorial organization of Thessaly. In Thessaly until today 13 Local Plans have been approved (level of Kapodistrian Municipality, see Map) while a significant number of such plans are in the phase of completion and final approval. Moreover, in two zones at the region of Thessaly there are Management Bodies which main goal and object is to protect, preserve and manage nature and landscape as a natural heritage and resource. Finally, various institutional frameworks with spatial content create spatial arrangements and zones of special status (Natura 2000-Map, Wildlife Shelters, Management plans for Forests, River Basin Management Plan etc.) that affect as the previous the spatial planning and development of Thessaly.